By: Qeko
In many African communities, the mountains trembles and the earth thunders in protest and anger at the mentioning of the world same sex marriage also called Gayism. This is the wicked and blasphemous action which is deplorable and not condoned in the conservative African society and any action to promote it is met with harsh and immense resistance from all quarters of life. Gay marriage is detestable because it destroys the core value of African existence since Africa has exist this long because of the belief in a family values where a man marries a woman and they have children. If it was not for the promotion and protection of family values by our grand fathers, the entire continents could have disappeared from the map. Therefore the key pillar of African society-family tends to be of great significance for the existing and wellbeing of the African people. Without a family you cannot have a community and without a community you cannot have a nation. So in other words, the family is the very backbone and foundation of a nation and this is a non-negotiable issue for many people in Africa.
The conservativeness of African society reflects what used to being the order of events in Europe when traditional Christian values were upheld. During those olden days’ societies in the west promoted and protected family values from destruction such that gay marriages were unacceptable. Those were the days when the church and the state existed as a unified entity and in the spirit of coexistence and mutual respect. But with time, western liberalism crept in and brought about the destruction of the core values of western society which also promoted humanism. People then began to question the existence of God if at all He was relevant. This later saw the removal of the bible and anything about God from public schools and offices across Europe and America and they argued that humankind should be left alone and free to worship whatever they want be it snakes, lizards, mountains, rivers to mention but a few. This article therefore is intended to show why people across African resent any talk of gay marriage and why they call it abomination against family values. The article will also show why the church in the west is blamed by many for the spread of same sex marriage.
Firstly is that western Church moderate approach Gayism is unacceptable: The western church’s moderate approach on issue of gay marriage is a sign that it is in support of the legalisation of this wicked act of terror against family values and God’s original plan for humankind to multiply. The legalisation of gay marriages across Europe and other parts of America explains that the church in the west has lost direction and is responsible for the demise of family values in Europe. The church in the west has become useless and a working social club geared to promote the demands of their western secular political administration. At this juncture, we need to recall that history shows that what we see in the western church is a repetition of what has always been the trend in that the church has failed to stand against the demands of secular political administration which includes separating the church from politics and removing God and the bible from all public institutions and offices.
What we see in the west today is the outcome of such decisions passed long time back that today it is illegal for people to talk about God and the bible in public places in many parts of Europe and America. This also shows that Secular education gives birth to secular minded people who creates secular society and secular political administration which at the end enacts secular and ungodly piece of legislature which in this case would include the legalising of same sex marriage. Key questions for the western church are; Why has the western church been unable to stand up in support of family values? Why has the church not taken a radical approach in dealing with such wickedness in their society? Is the western church qualified enough to advise and teach the African people on the significance of family values when they themselves fail to protect such values in their society? What amazes many African people is that the western church which once advocated for the truth of the gospel and family values is doing little to stop their respective governments from pumping in Billions of dollars in support of the spread of abominable way of life. Western governments and their churches need to know that African people will not sell their core family value with money because what they cherish is worth more than silver and gold.
Secondly is that same sex marriage (Gayism) is despicable, wicked and abominable act. For African people same sex is immoral, wicked and despicable thing to be practiced by humankind in the 21st century. This is an abomination such that you even tremble at the mentioning of such a word in African society. It is in their nature that marriage is meant for a man and a woman while a family is composed of a man, woman and their children. Anything outside this definition of a marriage and family is abomination and not acceptable in African society. However western nations are pumping in Billion of US Dollars to many NGOs operating in many parts of Africa with an aim of helping them propagate the gospel of mass destruction for the family values. In addition to advocating human rights, these NGO have gone as far as stepping in a wrong territory and have met massive resistance from the African people. African people believe that not everything that comes from Europe is wisdom and empowering hence the resistance. The resistance to legalise this wicked act of terror for the family has met massive resistance from our parliamentarians who are men and women with a vivid belief in the protection of family values. Our parliamentarians realises that they also have children whereby legalising such a harmful bill could have serious repercussion on their children and grand children. So in addition to passing bills in parliament, our parliamentarians also act as custodians of family values by protecting the family from western pressure of mass destruction.
Finally is that African Heads of States supports family values:Head of states and governments across Africa supports the protection and promotion of family values. This is seen in that all of them are married and have beautiful wives. The wives of Heads of State have their own association where they once meet to discuss various issues of national development for Africa and their respective nations. This on its own is a message that shows that African Head of States believes in family values and that is why they have taken it upon themselves to protect the existence of a family amongst the African people.
It is in this regard that African Heads of States are against same sex marriage and many have vowed to make sure that this abomination is not even talked in their respective constitution. For instance in Zimbabwe both Morgan Tsvangirai and Robert Mugabe has vowed to make sure that issues of gay marriage are not even discussed in their constitution. In Uganda President Museveni and his government doesn’t want people in Uganda to practice gay marriage and this remain illegal in the country. In Malawi despite the pressure from UN’s Ban Ki Moon and the various western forces, President Professor Muthalika and his government are resolved to protect the family values by making sex marriage illegal in the country. In South Africa in as much as gay marriage was legalised, 80% of the population don’t subscribe to the idea and still believe in the protection of family values and are not comfortable that there is such abomination in their country.
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